14 August 2015

Homosexuality isn't normal - and this is why: My view

Oh, I know it 's been a very long time since I last posted here. Yet for many months LGBT politics has dominated Facebook and other media outlets, specifically with regard to same sex marriage and parenting (adoption, birthing, sperm donor rights and so on).

Today I felt the need to formalize my position which is simple (and one that has been a mainstay of my comments on Facebook in reference to related news stories): The only evidence I need to know that homosexuality isn't anything more than a person's sexual choice is the desire of so-called homosexuals for children, especially from those who opt to experience pregnancy for themselves.

Were homosexuality equal to heterosexuality, so would the desire for children be absent as present. Why? Because procreation is a rooted biological instinct that has everything to do with the preservation of a particular species. As it concerns us (the human race), that instinct expresses in the fusion of an egg (woman) and sperm (man).

It doesn't matter in what form that expression takes (in vitro, sex, etc.), it remains a biological dictate that requires two people of the opposite sex in order to succeed. This dictate, thus, is the basis of heterosexuality which seeks a complement to meet its survival instinct.

Of course, whether one has children or not ultimately depends on individual choice and biological function (e.g. a low sperm count). The issue I'm addressing is the actual desire for children.

No matter what one argues, however, there simply is no biological explanation for homosexuality because it doesn't exist. Yet the birth of any new baby continues to reify heterosexuality as a normal human function.

Let me be clear, however: I honestly don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms. What I don't accept is the promotion of homosexuality as normal; it's not.

That is, in fact, the reason I don't support same sex marriages, one of the ways so-called homosexuals have sought legal protection for being different out of choice (because in no way is homosexuality equatable to race, disability or gender, though the last is more easily masked) while still performing as heterosexuals. To take this a gross step further, consider:

Man on man sex involves the penetration of a hole which is often depicted in the position of doggy sex for a man and woman (so what if we women have two holes?). As for woman on woman sex, how is this different from foreplay with man on woman sex (sex therapists repeatedly push men toward this secondary masturbation!)? I mean, what's so radically different between homosexuality and heterosexuality except that a homosexual union can never result in a pregnancy (meaning that no man on man sex can get one of the men pregnant, and no woman on woman sex can get one of the women pregnant) except in extremely rare cases (and I am thinking about the story of the married father who discovered he had a functioning womb)?

My feeling is that should homosexuality ever one day be normal, it will be a time when hermaphroditism is the common expression of the human body - and, really, you should ask yourself why it is we all start out female and don't stay that way if homosexuality were normal (this biological fact - that males are also born - is by itself enough to prove the norm of heterosexuality). Then again, if asexual reproduction were the norm of our species, would we even be interested in sex?

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